Please note that due to the subject matter of this project (death/grief) some of the images on this blog might be disturbing.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sandra Winkworth Hankie Works

My grandma was the only grandparent I knew and I was her favourite. Her whole home was covered with gardens and now I collect floral printed imagery everywhere
My mother died 20 years ago. The memories fade – I try to remember many things about her but a lot is gone.
A collection of my father’s objects is held together here on a hanky.
Each fragment holds an object: plants in the garden, work tools I use, the house I live in and the bird that sings.
These objects are what remains and now I hold onto them as I hold onto the memories.
I grieve and the stitches, a meditative process, help to hold these memories together.


  1. Lovely little art works! I love all the stitching and the fragments of objects embroidered and stitched. And yes stitching is a meditative process!

  2. all the tiny embroidered images are so beautiful.
