Please note that due to the subject matter of this project (death/grief) some of the images on this blog might be disturbing.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Taycee-Lea Jones - The Week of Downfall

Limited edition artist book

It was the year of my HSC.
A mate and I began a project where we aimed to film 'a week in the life of the HSC'.
On the morning we were due to start filming I received a phone call that my granddad had died. I decided to continue filming as planned.
We filmed the lead-up to the funeral and after. After the funeral my brother and I were both given a set of hankies that belonged to my granddad.
They had his initials embroidered onto them.
When I dug them out of the cupboard recently I began to discuss with my brother all the things I remembered about granddad. He turned to me and said he remembered nothing but buying striped pants for the funeral and getting some hankies afterwards.
It seems that the hankies and the fragments of this film are all that remains of that time and all that exists as proof that one life affected another.
I could not bring myself to alter the hankies so I created this book as a record.
Not of a life, but as a document of how people respond to grief.
During filming I found it very hard to separate our intended project from everything else I was experiencing and feeling, so we filmed it all.

Here I present moments from the film; caught at random, distorted and reflected

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